Monday, January 24, 2011

its a dog eat cat world

We wanted to go hike at the dog trail in Hollywood but failed because a mysterious rush of windy skies came.  The winds where a bit strong for us to hike on a steep hill, so instead we settled for the alternative, the park.  Ninji, my sisters dog that was rescued from the shelter about 9 months ago, really needs to get her wide furry butt toned again.  It's been awhile since I saw this pretty dog. so we took her to the park nearby my apartment for an all girl fun.  I never seen a dog so excited to be outdoors and urinate by squatting above everything she can.

I dont know if it was the best idea to bring Ninji back to the apartment to meet my own two little furballs, Missy and Sia.  When I opened the door, Missy started to sniff the beast that was about to go inside her domain. With so much curiousity coming from Ninji, she lunged over to Missy.  Missy paw slapped the big dog and puffed up like a furry puffer fish.  Ninji and Sia had never been around other dogs or cats, so Sia was more curious to make friends while Ninji wanted to make a squeezy toy out of my baby.  Overall Ninji got excited and decided to make a move and chase Sia as she unintentionally urinated on herself any my sister hahaha.  
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