What a lovely day it was to take a stroll down to the mall. I really love walking when the sky is clear with a light cool breeze blowing through. Another reason why I love walking especially in the morning time is because I meet the nicest people along the way. Everyone greeted me with a warm good morning and a smile. That is all I can ask for when I come across someone.
There is one street that is called Wilbur that I cross almost every other day. This street always reminds me of my best friend from High School who passed away at that very intersection about 10 years ago in a car accident. I always think of him almost every day and I miss him dearly. Till this very day I always feel his presence around me because I believe he is still with me, watching over me, protecting me from harm like how he used to. I will find little things that always remind me of him, as if he planted them there himself. Its funny, I know. Yet, it's such a comforting feeling to think he is always around.