The Brazilian Dancer shaking it in her traditional Brazilian feather outfit
This girl is in a see through tank on the computer. She cannot make any eye contact with anybody or else she will get fired!
The artwork in the lounge of all women and boobies
My love glowing in the dark. I am going to wear white next time.
My bf and Razmick
He is such a sexy bitch
Ani and Razmick
The performers getting ready in the girls bathroom
We were invited by Raz and Ani to attend Brazilian night at The Standard Hotel. There were free drinks and bingo in which we missed, maybe next week though. The night was a lot of fun because we had the Brazilian singers, dancers, and the vibe was just moving to get on the dance floor yourself and shake it. The Purple Lounge reminded me of a small little rave club. The room was filled with black lights and paintings of women with their boobs everywhere. My bf wore a white shirt and he was just glowing the whole night. The next time I am going to wear white and wear more glowing accessories, how about glowsticks? lol